Let It Begin.

Let It Begin.

Have any of you seen the movie, "Bolt"? It is a kid's movie about a dog who thinks he has superpowers but doesn't. Throughout the movie, he makes this unfortunate discovery and struggles to wrap his mind around the fact that he is not "superdog." It crushes him. However, there is also a plucky sort of character called, "Rhino." Rhino is a hamster. Could there be a more helpless creature? And yet, this hamster is the one who never gives up. He shows no fear. He believes in Bolt whether he is a super dog or not. It is this hamster who confidently says before they stage a rescue message of their friend, "Let it begin."

Before you stop reading and say to yourself, "What is he talking about?" and "This is not something I was looking for," give me one more minute.

Bolt is like so many of us. We think we are superheroes able to do it all or at least, we should be able to. We try to be the best for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities. We succeed sometimes in achieving our goals. However, just as often we fail. We hurt. We break. Then the realization comes crashing in that we are not superman or superwoman. We are human. 

So many stay there. They give up. They are crushed by reality and the constant grind. Others go to church or seek out genuine answers from so many other places, and yet, they feel more confused or unsatisfied because they know even there things have not gone deep enough. There has got to be something more.

Here is the big nugget. Don't miss it: I am the hamster. Yes, I said it. I am a hamster. But not just any hamster. I am like Rhino. I may not be as strong as you. I also am not a superhero. I can't by my own strength, wisdom or power make you into something you are not. HOWEVER, I can begin something with you right now. I can confidently tell you that we can do this together, that we will succeed, that things can happen that are heroic and beyond superhero level. How?


This is where the power comes from. This is what grounds our existence and empowers our daily life. He is the answer to your weakness, your failures and your sins. He is the source of a different conclusion of today, tomorrow and a lifetime of service here on earth. With him, we can be superheroes to all those who are depending on us, not with our own strength, but with the power of God in and through us. Then finally we can continue that journey in the land of the living, the Kingdom of God, forever. Jesus Christ is the key to our power to live now and forever. 

So as the hamster Rhino once said I also say today, "Let it begin!!!"

Let your transformation begin. Let your journey begin here with me in this community called Underground. Find some merch you like. Stay tuned in here and subscribe to all our channels (more coming very soon!) for content and community that wants nothing more or less than Jesus and His power. 

My goal is not for you to find a replacement for your local church here or to stop searching the Scriptures on your own. Instead, my goal is for this movement to power you all the more with the only source of hope and God power there is: Jesus. It can be easy to lose him EVEN in church, in discussions about faith, in the pursuit of happiness, wealth, fitness etc.. Our mission is to make sure your underground is in order and that the church is underground, growing, training, and preparing for the fights to come daily and at the end. 

Are you in? Let it begin! Let it begin!

- Titus Buelow [Pastor & Founder of Underground]


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I’m in… let it begin

Gwyn Heup

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