Mental Health Affects Christians Too

Mental Health Affects Christians Too

It's not just non-Christians who struggle with mental health. It's not just "weak" Christians who don't read their Bible who struggle with anxiety and depression. Faithful and wise Christians can and do struggle with mental health too. They are part of these statistics.

What is important to recognize is mental health struggles are not synonymous with "really" believing in Jesus as your Savior and trusting God to keep his promises. It is very much possible to believe and to trust and yet have an involuntary struggle with anxious and depressive thoughts. This is the result of our corrupted human nature that is no longer functioning at perfect capacity.

Just like there are some who have more struggles with maintaining healthy body weight or others who have an addictive personality and seem prone to getting stuck in unhealthy addictions or others who have a hard time simply sitting still and paying attention, these are part of many people's lives with an imperfect frame. Having a sinful human nature is universal to Christians and non-Christians alike, therefore it is also universal that we will each have "built-in" struggles.

However, while that is part of our reality, we can learn and know where we are at and what our personal struggles are, and we can believe and trust God loves us and has a plan for us, and yes, will even use our struggles to bring us closer to him. Even while we wrestle with our own mental health, we can acknowledge the objective grace of God for us despite ourselves and our ability to overcome our present reality.

Our heart goes out to those who struggle with mental health. May you find comfort in your Savior who does not define you or save you based on your ability to keep it together because of who you are, but who loves and is there for you because of who he is. That is why it is called grace!

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

God bless you, my brothers and sisters.

Titus Buelow

Founder of Underground

If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health, please reach out. We highly recommend Christian Family Solutions as a great option to get help and healing from a gospel perspective. Check out the links below:

In a crisis, call or text #988
For helpful articles and information on donating to our ministry or seeking treatment at CFS -
MHA's 2024 State of Mental Health in America Report -
SAMHSA's tips for how to talk about mental health -
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