Project Underground

Project Underground


This project is called Underground and is meant to embody that same spirit that inspired Christians to go underground and meet in the catacombs of Rome in order to worship the One True God.

At that time, you could be put to death for openly practicing your faith, specifically, your Christian faith. You were persecuted severely for sharing your views, your dissent, and even your love. Still today, this happens in places around the globe. But couldn't we say that these things sound similar if not familiar in our own spaces?

More and more, this is becoming a reality for Christians in America today. Having a Biblical Christian worldview is no longer a public advantage but often reason enough to be cancelled, hated, and sometimes penalized and even killed.

Pastor Titus and many other Bible Scholars believe and know that this is only the beginning. Scripture clearly teaches that things will go from bad to worse when people abandon God and His Word. Scripture also tells us to prepare for these last days, expecting persecution and great pressure especially at the very end.

So how do we respond as Christians? Do we roll over and give up our faith? Do we stop speaking "about what we have seen and heard"?

No. The Spirit cannot be silenced or stopped. The Gospel must be preached to all nations.

So, we prepare "to give an answer for the hope we have" as His AMBASSADORS.

We put on the "full armor of God so that we can take our stand against the devil's schemes" as His SOLDIERS.

We know the voice of our shepherd and his will for our lives by regularly hearing His voice and studying His words as His DISCIPLES.

We learn how to best use the abilities, the resources, and the time to best advance the kingdom of God within our homes, our communities and into the world, because we are His STEWARDS.

This is going to be an exciting journey as project Underground develops. Get in on the ground floor by following Underground's page on Facebook to receive updates, devotions, discussion thoughts, and a growing community. ⁠⁠

Peruse this website for the official blog and news posts of Underground. You will also find amazing merchandise for subtle yet powerful witness to who you are in Christ and may lead to new conversations about faith. ⁠⁠

Coming soon is Underground's full community website and web app that will allow this movement to really grow through regular discussion, mini-courses, challenges, events and so much more. This will be a private group where Christians can grow their faith safely by being encouraged by fellow Christians and challenged in a constructive way to go deeper into their faith and its application "out there in the real world."

So what are you waiting for? Become a part of Underground and the powerful community that is assembling right now to spread the light and overcome the darkness.

χάρις καὶ εἰρήνη (Greek for: grace and peace),

Pastor Titus Buelow - Founder of Underground

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